Apeiron Season 2: Apostle Awakening has Arrived

Apeiron Season 2

Today we’re discussing Apeiron’s Season 2 Apostle Awakening, giving some info on the launch of orbital renting, and covering upcoming Discord Community Updates. This article will cover how you can turn that gameplay into real rewards: your own permanent Dood Apostle(s) — which you can mint for free!


And we’ve got some dates for you! The pre-launch campaign for Season 2 will begin around mid-May with Primeval holders, Strategic partners, and KOLs testing. Then in June we have the official Season 2 launch. Stay tuned to our Discord for weekly sneak peeks and the latest progress updates!

Season 2 Apostle Awakening

Let’s start with a quick rundown on Apostles. Dood Apostles make up your adventuring party as you go through the dungeon, bringing various skills to the table depending on their class. We have 6 classes available now — Warrior, Hunter, Rogue, Priest, Guardian, and Mage — with another 6 to follow in the future: Berserker, Dragoon, Summoner, Shaman, Bard, and Knight.

Apostles each come with 3 random class skills drawn from a pool of 8. When Season 2 releases, you’ll be able to upgrade those skills to become more powerful — each skill can be upgraded 5 times max. How do you upgrade a skill? By infusing (cough cough BLOOD SACRIFICE) an Apostle with the same skill as the one you want to upgrade to your chosen Apostle.

So far this is all old information. Now for the new stuff!

Each Apostle has an Individual Variable (IV). IVs can range from 1–100. The higher the IV, the better the Apostle’s stats — everything from health to attack to defense. So of course, you want an Apostle with the highest IV possible!

Apostles will drop randomly as you make your way through the dungeon. Then, at the end of each run, you’ll have the option to save those Apostles. Each player starts with 1 Reserve Slot for Apostle saving. Got an Apostle with a high IV? Stick it in the Reserve.

Then, at the end of the season, you’ll be able to mint your high IV Dood Apostle from the Reserve Slot, making it into an NFT which is yours to keep forever! Or sell it, if that strikes your fancy. Whatever floats your boat.

Please note that for Season 2, you’ll only be able to mint from among the Priest, Hunter, and Warrior classes. The other classes will come later! Stay tuned.

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Our Planet holders will automatically have additional Reserve Slots, and you’ll also be able to purchase additional Slots with ANIMUS — more on that a little later. Each player can have up to a max of 6 Reserve Slots and mint up to a max of 3 Apostles. For the Apostle minting, mint prices are as follows (excluding gas fees):

First Mint = 0.02wETH

Second Mint = 0.05wETH

Third Mint = 0.1wETH

HOWEVER: players will also be able to earn up to 2 FREE mints. 1 free mint can be earned through playing the game and collecting the rare item “S2 Dood Halo.” Planet holders will actually get a free S2 Dood Halo at the end of the season if they didn’t end up finding one!

The other free mint can be earned by collecting the item “S2 Doodelic Wings”, which you can snag by participating in our Discord community, being a part of the season 1 Apeiron Guild War winning community or by becoming a believer of endorsed Apeiron Adeptus Missionaries, our affiliated partner program.

Additionally, with the launch of Season 2 there will be no restrictions on game time — you can play as much as you want! But we’ll also be giving away something provocatively called Booty Time. During Booty Time, you’ll receive the following benefits:

S2 Dood Halo activated! You can only find and collect S2 Dood Halo during Booty Time. A second chance! Booty Time will give you an extra life in case you accidentally perish while dungeon delving.

Drop rates up! You’ll get more Apostles — with better IVs — during Booty Time. Each activation of Booty Time lasts for 1 hour, and each player starts with 3 hours of Booty Time, which can be increased, as usual with community participation and by holding Planets.

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Any other ways to get Apostles with good IVs besides hunting for them through playing? Yes! You can buy an Origins Collection Apostle — which comes with a unique outfit, fixed IV value of 88 (very good!) and a random set of skills — by purchasing an Origins Collection ticket on OpenSea. If you do go this route, you can use the ticket to mint at the end of season 2 for the Origins Collection Warrior, Priest, and/or Hunter.

And as a last note, players can win Golden Apostle tickets for (Apostles with random outfits, high IVs, and random skills) the Priest, Hunter, and Warrior by making it to the top of our Season 2 Leaderboard or community events. More info on that to follow at a later date!

Finally — Battlepass and Animus! In Season 1, players could earn up to 500 Animus through completing the Dungeon Demo and beating the boss. We’d like to remind you to go to our Marketplace to collect your Animus for your account if you haven’t already. IF YOU HAVEN’T COLLECTED YOUR ANIMUS BY THE START OF SEASON 2, IT WILL DISAPPEAR. This is your warning!

Each Battlepass will grant players +1 Reserve Slots and +1 hour of Booty Time. Getting a Battlepass — or multiple Battlepasses for each account you want to mint with — will set you up nicely for Season 2. Additionally, only Battlepass holders can claim Animus in Season 2. Animus may be used to purchase additional Reserve Slots, Booty Time, or extra lives for an extended session of dungeoneering. It’s very useful!

Please note that previously burnt Battlepasses will NOT grant Reserve Slots. However, game time from current Battlepasses will partially convert to Booty Time. Regardless, we recommend holding onto Battlepasses for now and saving them for the Season 2 release.

If you want to get a Battlepass, you’ll need to collect 1 Lunar and 1 Solar fragment, which you’ll be able to acquire through Discord, Apeiron events, or by purchasing it on platforms like OpenSea.

Now we should also mention that we are hosting a new Moonstone Nebula Expedition this week — it’s live NOW. Nebula Expeditions are a way for our Planet holders to stake their assets for a chance to plunder awesome prizes. And for the leadup to Season 2, we’re setting a prize pool of 1000 Lunar Fragments! It’s a great opportunity to prepare yourself for what’s to come, so get your Planets and get out explorin’!

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We understand you may have some questions about how all this shakes out, and we’ve compiled a brief FAQ below to cover what we think may be some of your most commonly asked questions.

Q1: What happens if I sell or transfer my planet mid-season as a planet holder?

A1: Your extra reserve slot will be removed, any Apostle in that slot will be deleted, and you won’t automatically get the free mint item “S2 Dood Halo” at season’s end. Purchasing another planet during the season will reactivate your privileges to the Slot and Halo but WILL NOT RECOVER the deleted Apostle. So please ensure you have enough Reserve slots from Battlepasses or ANIMUS before transferring your Planets elsewhere!

Q2: Can I transfer my free mint items: “S2 Dood Halo” or “S2 Doodelic Wings” to another account?

A2: No, “S2 Dood Halo” and “S2 Doodelic Wings” are non-transferable.

Q3: What’s the maximum individual variables (IV)?

A3: The maximum IV in Season 2 is 100.

Q4: What’s the difference between Golden Apostle Mint Tickets and Origin Collection Mint Tickets?

A4: Origins Collection Mint Tickets are transferable, class-based NFTs available on OpenSea, featuring the same costume as the ticket’s appearance, 88 IV and the special “Origin” tag. Players can use their Origins tickets to redeem a Priest, Hunter, or Warrior class in Season 2.

Golden Apostle tickets are transferable and must be opened on the official Apeiron Marketplace. Golden tickets yield either a Priest, Hunter, or Warrior Apostle with a random costume, skills, and in the 85–100 IV range.

Q5: Is there an expiration date for the mint tickets and items?

A5: No. However, S2 mint tickets, S2 Dood Halo, and S2 Doodelic Wings can only be used to mint Priests, Hunters and Warriors.

Q6: Will there be mint tickets for the other Apostle classes in the future?

A6: Yes, please stay tuned for future announcements!

Q7: Can I participate and obtain rewards from the leaderboard and AGW S2 at the same time?

A7: Yes. For the former, the rewards are on an individual basis. For the second, you will be representing a guild. If both you as an individual and your guild are at the top of the tables, you can win both sets of prizes.

Q8: Do I have to finish all the depths to mint Apostles even when I can pay for the mint or when I have a S2 Dood Halo or S2 Doodelic Wings?

A8: You will access your Reserve Slots when you die or when you retire a run. Don’t worry, dead Apostles can be selected to be placed into Reserve Slots. It’s their souls you are preserving ;)

Q9: If I have two apostles with the exact same class and skills, am I able to level up all three skills at once or I can only pick one skill to level up?

A9: No, you can only choose one skill to level up for each infused Apostle.

That covers all we have to say about Season 2: Apostle Awakening.