Gas Hero: Genesis Design Competition

Chain Challenger
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August 22, 2023
Gas Hero is a strategy-based game native to web3, developed by Find Satoshi Lab, the studio behind the web 3 lifestyle app STEPN, and expected to launch in a few months.
It is now running the second phase of UGC contest for the creation of the Genesis Hero artworks.
Prize: A total of $2,000,000 $GMT and 2% royalties for ongoing creators (320 winners in Phase 2)
Deadline: 10th September 8:00am
Submission Link: https://gashero.com/competition
How to Participate:
- For the 16 codenames Gas Hero has released, users can craft designs of 16 Super Heroes! Users have to create heroes around the description below the codename, including the Postion, Feature, Enhancement and Gender. 20 artworks will be selected and minted as the Genesis Heroes NFTs, for each codenames. Therefore, there will be a total of 320 winners in this phrase of contest.

2. After finishing your design, you should submit your design by clicking the "UPLOAD" button. An airtable form will pop out for you to fill in several important information, including but not limited to your name, email and Discord ID. You will also be asked to create a name and a story for your Hero.

3. Last but not least, remember to upload your design by attaching the file. You can upload multiple hero design at the same time, but make sure you have clearly indicated the hero codename in the artwork file name. Transparent PNG file are preferred.

- There is no submission limit, it depends on the quality, but this time it will be more competitive so more submissions do not necessarily mean more chances of winning.
Genesis Competition Winners - Phase 1:
Before submitting your design, you may take reference to the results of the previous phase, so that you can have a more clear idea of what to draw and create for the Genesis Hero.
Website: https://gashero.com/genesis-winners