The Arrival of the 'Nintendo' in the Cryptocurrency World? TreasureDAO to Redefine NFT Gaming

The Arrival of the 'Nintendo' in the Cryptocurrency World? TreasureDAO to Redefine NFT Gaming

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"Crypto City" is a blockchain information exchange platform focused on the Game-Fi & NFT sector, dedicated to building a comprehensive and transparent community.

May 27, 2023

TreasureDAO has emerged as a remarkable project in the blockchain gaming industry, incubating over 10 games, including the recent sensation, The Beacon, which has gained sudden popularity on social media. This simple pixelated blockchain game has garnered significant attention due to its unique features, particularly its underground dungeons, in a GameFi market that has been generally lackluster.

According to data from Dune Analytics, within just one week of its launch, The Beacon attracted nearly 20,000 players, with over 30,000 purchases of its in-game NFTs for the original characters. These characters and equipment generated within The Beacon game are valued in TreasureDAO's native token, MAGIC. The game's popularity has sparked growing confidence and expectations in the MAGIC token, leading to a staggering 300% price increase in the past month. As of now, MAGIC is priced at $2.01, ranking 79th in terms of market capitalization.

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The Ongoing Exploration of Treasure

Treasure initially started as an NFT project within the Loot ecosystem, known as Treasure NFT. Loot itself is a series consisting of 8,000 NFTs, with each NFT representing a TXT file composed of 8 phrases. Each phrase corresponds to a randomly generated attribute such as weapons, armor, helmets, necklaces, rings, and more, each possessing varying degrees of rarity.

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As a derivative project of Loot, Treasure drew inspiration from Loot's concept and adopted a set of phrases as NFTs. However, in Treasure's case, the phrases represent historical and legendary currencies such as gold coins, silver pennies, emeralds, pearls, shells, and dragon tails. At this stage, Treasure had no significant distinctions or advantages compared to other Loot derivatives. Nevertheless, Treasure managed to survive and thrive among numerous Loot-inspired projects, thanks to its unwavering commitment to exploring future development possibilities.

Shortly after the release of Treasure's NFTs, the team quickly introduced the MAGIC token and tailored a DeFi project called MAGIC Farm specifically for MAGIC. Users can earn MAGIC token rewards by staking Treasure's NFTs, Loot's NFTs, or AGLD tokens. Treasure aimed to incentivize ecosystem development through a combination of blockchain gaming and DeFi. Additionally, the team announced the development of a blockchain game called Legions, where MAGIC would serve as the in-game token. Unfortunately, this approach did not yield the expected results. However, through this experiment, Treasure discovered a new model—the MAGIC ecosystem.

MAGIC, as the native token of Treasure, serves as the sole currency for market transactions within the Treasure ecosystem. Each community within the Treasure ecosystem revolves around the MAGIC token, constructing its own narrative. By connecting storytelling with the economic ecosystem through MAGIC, the token acts as a reserve currency that links the entire Treasure ecosystem. From that point on, Treasure's focus shifted towards empowering MAGIC, continually creating blockchain games to attract external games and projects. These scenarios consume the platform token MAGIC, ultimately forming a MAGIC-centric ecosystem.

With the growth of community members and the development of ecosystem projects, the Treasure team introduced TreasureDAO as a new governance entity for the Treasure ecosystem. The original Treasure NFTs became part of history, and now everything operates under the identity of TreasureDAO. TreasureDAO holds the team's rights, including the distribution scheme for MAGIC and the selection of projects to incubate within the ecosystem. It is also the sole recipient of MAGIC incentives, managed through voting by MAGIC token holders who have staked their tokens. Treasure's remarkable progress can be attributed to the critical role played by TreasureDAO in its development.

Treasure Redefining GameFi

GameFi refers to a new collection of blockchain-based games that combine the fun of gaming with economic incentives, allowing players to earn rewards (NFTs or tokens) while playing. In an ideal GameFi ecosystem, players not only own in-game assets but also possess their own ecosystem. Play-to-Earn (P2E) games are not a new concept, but GameFi takes P2E to a new level by leveraging the composability of blockchain technology.

The key to the success of GameFi lies in liquidity. Most players join projects primarily to gain profits rather than solely enjoy the gameplay. After all, in terms of entertainment value, Web3 games still have a long way to go compared to mature Web2 games. Unfortunately, many GameFi development teams are still stuck in the Web2 era when it comes to game development strategies. They rely on increasing APY (%) or token airdrops to attract user attention through economic design. While this approach may yield good results in the short term, it has proven to be unsustainable in the long run. Once users discover low returns, their attention quickly shifts elsewhere, leading to token dumping and a loss of liquidity.

TreasureDAO recognized this early on and offered a new perspective: making liquidity the core objective of the game. Treasure aims to create a community-driven game with liquidity at its heart, turning the native token, MAGIC, into a resource that supports a growing metaverse and gaming network. TreasureDAO uses MAGIC to guide new metaverses and increases its utility by weaving it into multiple game narratives. With the help of MAGIC, GameFi projects can build captivating game worlds without relying on elaborate storytelling or complex in-game economies. Instead, they can develop conventional games that people enjoy and use MAGIC as their base currency. Through MAGIC, Treasure unlocks the ability to capture user attention as it allows assets to move seamlessly across different games and communities.

The ultimate goal of TreasureDAO is to become the Nintendo Switch of the Web3 world, where MAGIC represents a stake in an ecosystem consisting of a vertical range of NFTs and gaming products that are interconnected and mutually reinforcing. Just like LEGO bricks, any new or existing game can be plugged into the Treasure ecosystem and enjoy the benefits of MAGIC, the market, and the community.

Impressive Game Projects on Treasure

The current ecosystem of Treasure consists of a governing body (TreasureDAO), several game metaverses and NFT projects, and a marketplace (Trove). TreasureDAO and Trove serve as the core components that connect the various parts, while Bridgeworld is the place where MAGIC is issued and obtained by Treasure.

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Trove is an NFT marketplace built for both the internal and external metaverses of the Treasure ecosystem. Positioned as the OpenSea on Arbtrium, Trove serves the entire range of NFT projects on the Arbtrium platform, with transactions denominated in ETH.

Trove is closely associated with the projects being developed within the TreasureDAO ecosystem, including games and infrastructure. By incorporating intertwined gamification mechanisms, Trove aims to attract more attention and interest from users. It rewards loyalty through badge and achievement systems, leaderboards, EXP (experience points), user levels, and other incentives. Trove users who hold Balancer Crystals, a gamified MAGIC-ETH LP token, are eligible to access deep-level collector data, such as historical trading volume, price fluctuations, and collection scores. These measures significantly contribute to user retention.


Bridgeworld is a strategic business, trade, and governance game that can be best described as a game platform within the TreasureDAO ecosystem. It combines various DeFi mechanics to form the foundational economic layer of TreasureDAO and serves as a crucial structure connecting different game worlds within the ecosystem.

Bridgeworld introduces a unique gameplay mechanism that distinguishes it from traditional play-to-earn (P2E) models. While P2E typically incentivizes players with tokens, in Bridgeworld, players must engage in "work" (playing the game) to earn rewards. The more time and effort a player invests, the greater the MAGIC rewards they receive. This design principle permeates throughout Bridgeworld, where the effort and time spent indirectly demonstrate the value of NFT assets within the game.


MagicSwap plays a significant role in the TreasureDAO ecosystem. It serves as the most powerful decentralized exchange (DEX) within the ecosystem. Currently, the exchange allows trading of two token pairs: MAGIC/Gfly (with Gfly as the governance token of BattleFly DAO) and MAGIC/ELM (with ELM as the governance token of Tales of Elleria).

In the second quarter of 2023, TreasureDAO plans to launch MagicSwap V2NFT, an automated market maker (AMM) specifically designed for NFTs. Treasure has developed a new and improved trading approach, making it the first AMM in the crypto space to support both ERC-20 tokens and NFT pools through a single router. This innovation enables transactions involving all projects within the game economy, and it is anticipated to have the potential to revolutionize the economics of Web3 games.

Popular Games Incubated by Treasure

TreasureDAO has successfully incubated over 10 games within its ecosystem, including The Beacon, BattleFly, Tales of Elleria, The Lost SamuRise, and Realm, among others.

The Beacon

The Beacon, a recent sensation, is a fantasy action game infused with Roughlite elements, incubated by TreasureDAO. Players can acquire characters either for free or through paid options and embark on adventures in dungeons or participate in tavern quizzes, both of which offer opportunities to obtain valuable items. Items acquired through adventures with paid characters can be sold for profit.

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Within just a week of its launch on Arbitrum, The Beacon garnered an impressive player count of nearly 20,000, even without any official promotional activities. The purchase count of the game's Genesis Character NFTs surpassed 30,000. The popularity of The Beacon has also contributed to the rise in Treasure's user engagement. According to data from Dune Analytics, daily active users within the Treasure ecosystem have increased from approximately 1,500 to around 6,000, with an average of 2,000 new users joining each day. The characters and equipment generated within The Beacon are valued in TreasureDAO's native token, MAGIC. The game's popularity has also fueled a surge in the value of MAGIC, which has tripled in price within the past month.


Considered the first high-capacity, mass-market game within the TreasureDAO ecosystem, BattleFly aims to minimize inflation and speculative impact on core gameplay mechanics. As an experimental player-versus-player (PvP) strategy game, BattleFly encourages competition among players to earn rewards. Players are rewarded with MAGIC tokens, the primary in-game currency of TreasureDAO.

BattleFly features two distinct levels of gameplay in its first season: the Test Arena and the Hyperdome. The Test Arena serves as a learning ground for new BattleFlys, allowing matches only against beginners or other new BattleFlys. Everyone must start here and prove themselves in battles. The Hyperdome is where the real competition takes place, with higher rankings leading to more substantial MAGIC rewards.

Tales of Elleria

Inspired by offline RPGs like "Final Fantasy," Tales of Elleria (TELL) incorporates GameFi elements. The project was initially developed for the Binance Smart Chain (BSC) but later migrated to Arbitrum following a community vote.

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TELL aims to be a decentralized GameFi project that offers immersive and enjoyable gaming experiences bundled with DeFi elements. TELL's future involves opening up as a single continent, with game development and design entirely community-driven and community-owned. Additionally, Tales of Elleria is concurrently developing and testing an open-world version of Elleria, which will serve as a bridge between different projects by integrating resources from various sources, enabling a fully immersive and skill-based gaming experience.

Lost SamuRise

The Lost SamuRise is a faction-based strategy game set in the fictional world of Heaven, drawing inspiration from the legends and stylistic elements of classical Japanese warrior culture.

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SamuRise, a game developed by TreasureDAO, features three factions, each consisting of three provinces. These factions organize themselves within SamuRise and engage in resource wars, with the victorious faction earning the right to become the Shogunate. The game's primary asset is land, and each Ethereum wallet address can only generate one piece of land. By successfully completing "shelter missions," players can permanently allocate their land to a faction.


LifeVerse is a life simulation game built on the TreasureDAO ecosystem, aiming to provide players with a unique life experience.

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The player's journey begins with a "Seed of Life," which can be exchanged for a newborn belonging to one of eight different character classes. Players choose one of these classes to start their journey. The rarity of characters varies, and they play different roles in the development of the player's life form, particularly evident in the amount of MAGIC obtained through employment. As the game character's life form grows, its physical state evolves. To facilitate growth and maximize output, the life form requires the replenishment of nutrients. Without proper nourishment, the life form will deteriorate or even wither away. LifeVerse transforms personified life forms into NFTs, and when a life form comes to an end, players can purchase a new "Seed of Life" on Trove to reshape a new life.


Treasure's long-term goal is to become the Nintendo of the crypto metaverse. To achieve this, in 2023, Treasure is set to launch MagicSwapV2, an NFT automated market maker (AMM) that supports ERC-20 and NFT pools through a single router, facilitating transactions for all elements within the game economy. Furthermore, Treasure has built a decentralized gaming ecosystem around its native token, MAGIC, encompassing shared assets, resources, communities, and infrastructure. Treasure is steadily progressing towards its goal.

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This article is authorized and reprinted from "ForesightNews."