

Chain Challenger


August 18, 2023

SupraOracles 是一个跨链预言机解决方案,可以让智能合约和区块链应用更好地工作。


SupraOracles 为用户提供了一个可信中立、高可靠、高性能的预言机解决方案,用于将现实世界的数据与公有链和私有链进行通信。说到这里有没有想到市值长期排头50的ChainLink项目,而Supra Oracles 与 Chainlink 相比速度更快,且在一定程度上消除了数据传输的延迟。


Supra已融资总额达1990万美元,投资者包括Coinbase, Hashkey, Animoca和Hashed,阵容实在不容忽视


  1. 去官网(包含我们推荐码)(https://supraoracles.com/blastoff?ref=b6356-1179285)

    去右上角按"Sign In",然后再按"Sign Up",用邮箱注册,需要去邮箱点击验证


    完成之后,点击左上角红色圆形图标,再往下拉按"Get Started进行KYC认证,然后看见图二灰色Continue,。然后按照提示继续kyc。


  2. KYC完成之后,再完成下面任务便可拿到420粒SUPRA Token (稍后会给大家计算值多少钱)


  3. 在你的右上角页面,除了$SUPRA他们治理代币的数量,还会有星星的数量,那是很重要的因为每周三晚上8时(中国时间)官方会有一封电邮,让你开启一个宝箱,而星星的数量越多,每周任务得到的宝箱具有更高概率开出代币。 另外集齐240颗星,可参加**Expeditions计划**,有 15 个星球,而每个星球都有价值 2 万美元的保险库和许多有待发掘的较小的美元包。每个星球都拥有比上一个星球更多的代币,总价值超过 2000 万美元。




    1. 到Mission页面 https://supraoracles.com/blastoff/zh-CN/learn


    2. 把每个星期的任务完成就可(目前为止有15个星期),而任务很简单,就是答一条MC问题,但要谨记,答案只能选一次!


    3. 所以不要选错,以下是答案请享用:


      1. What kind of data do oracles help smart contracts access on the blockchain?
        D:All of the Above


      2. Which of the following is NOT true about Supra compared to other oracles?
        B:Supra’s performance and security are at par with other oracles


      3. Can nodes reverse transaction finality before they’re written on Supra?
        C:Blocks on Supra cannot be reversed after they are finalized


      4. What is Supra’s security method that delivers better oracle decentralization, scalability, and performance?
        D:Tribes and clans randomization method


      5. Which NFTs in the metaverse need Supra’s speed, accuracy, and fast finality to change with real world events?
        A:Dynamic NFTs


      6. Which of the following is responsible for keeping DORA secure and consistently blazing fast?
        E:All of the Above


      7. What is the Tick-Start protocol of DORA?
        C:A method to start a new round of agreement without waiting for earlier rounds to finish.


      8. What is the purpose of agreement distance in DORA?
        C:To ensure accuracy in the final result


      9. How do Supra’s price feeds make DeFi better?
        D:All of the Above


      10. Who does cross-chain interoperability help?
        D:All of the Above


      11. What are the three key characteristics of good randomness for Web3?
        B:Unpredictable, unbiased, verifiable


      12. How does Supra VRF achieve a decentralized process?
        B:By utilizing a threshold signature generated by a randomized VRF committee


      13. Which of the following is true about the impact of Supra VRF on Web3 gaming?
        A:Ensuring fair and unpredictable outcomes


      14. What is the purpose of randomization in DORA?
        D:It secures the protocol from manipulation


      15. How much discount does SNAP offer dApps for the first 6 months?
        C:100% Off


      16. How much can SNAP Affiliates make?
        C:There’s no limit!



  • 目前已融资到C轮,共计融资1990万美元,而根据**Tokenomics**,12.4%的代币是留给机构投资者,即是私募轮估值已去到160M,而总共有10B粒SUPRA币,即是每粒值$0.016
  • 而现在ChainLink市值$6 Billion,如果Supra有十分一的话,上所后也有0.1一粒,所以单单420粒SUPRA也可以有数十元美金,零成本来说是不错的
